• Which herbs I used before a big session of healing the next layer of my sexual trauma. 

    A few months ago I had a big session with my practitioner. Throughout the years we have worked on my sexual trauma, but it’s never been the primary focus of the session since I did so much solo work on it. Little things would pop up and we would work on it along with everything else that had popped up during the month. But at the end of one of my sessions my practitioner told me the next session she thought we needed to have the main focus of the session be on the trauma, that it was time. And I knew it was true – even if I didn’t…

  • Why would a child need to come in for a Chinese Medicine appointment?

    Children grow and change incredibly fast. Because of this their qi can get out of balance quickly causing numerous imbalances, but that also means they go back into balance quickly. Children respond incredibly to Chinese Medicine. The most common things kids come in for a Qi Wellness appointment for are: excessive temper tantrums, anxiety, digestive issues, nightmares, building immunity, delayed development, working through emotional life changing events (divorce, death, moving, etc.), and illnesses that won’t go away or keep coming back again and again.   Other things children come in for are ADD and ADHD issues, growing pains, sleeping issues, jaundice, and any other imbalance that pops up.  Qi Wellness sessions…

  • How to deal with excessive temper tantrums naturally.

    Temper tantrums with children are a totally normal part of the maturation process. However, when they get out of control and they become unmanageable I have found in my practice that, from a Chinese Medicine perspective, it is a liver imbalance.  I’ve seen a number of children where temper tantrums are multiple times a day– to the point where the parents have a hard time taking their child into public, or the child is now large enough that it becomes a safety concern for the parents or both. In these cases working with the liver qi has been essential and has calmed the situation drastically back to ‘normal’ maturation temper…

  • Flower and gem essences and why they are a great natural remedy for kids

    Flower and Gem essences are gentle liquid plant/gem preparations containing the energetics of a plant/gem. They are similar to homeopathic remedies in that they do not contain any physical plant or gem constituents.  Dr. Edward Bach, who is referenced for creating flower essences said, “These remedies cure, not by attacking disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which disease melts as snow in the sunshine.” Kids change incredibly quickly with energetics. Flower and Gem Essences are very gentle and safe and children respond to them incredibly quickly whether they’re having emotional imbalances or physical imbalances. So consider trying a…

  • Herbs to help you when traveling: for both adults and children

    7/13/23 Brand recommendations are at the bottom of the article (with extra attention for formulas for kids). Here are the top three herbal products I like to bring with me when traveling.  Brand Recommendations: I have no affiliation with any herbal or supplement companies. All the brands listed here are ones I personally buy from and recommend clients in my practice to buy from. If you’re in Sacramento, the Co-op will have all of these there. Otherwise I have recommended brands/websites. Kids in general: Your local co-op will most likely have glycerin extracts (tinctures) if you’re not comfortable using alcohol based tinctures. Avena Botanicals is online and has great glycerin…

  • How to make the most out of herbal tea for your health

    6/19/23 There are many different ways to make tea and none of them are wrong. If you are looking to get the most medicinally out of your herbs here are some recommended tips: – Toss the tea bags and buy in bulk – lots of herbalists love to joke that tea bags killed the herbalist. It gets a good chuckle because the amount of herbs in a tea bag is usually very small (aka not as heavy on the medicinal side). Opt for tea strainers which can hold larger amounts of herbs.  -Using roots or hard berries? Bring those to a boil and then turn down to a simmer for…

  • What is Reiki, why should you learn it, and how I fell into being a Reiki Master.

    6/22/23 Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that promotes healing in the body. It is a tool you can learn to help transform your stress, anxiety, and trauma.  I remember the first time someone told me about Reiki. The person’s description was confusing and the only thing I really understood was she thought it was magical and mind blowing. Internally I snorted and thought yeah, okay whatever, I don’t have time for this woo woo nonsense.  Fast forward two years, and I was at a yoga studio offering Reiki sessions. At this point I had totally forgotten all about that initial conversation and just thought, huh that sounds so familiar.…

  • How much of an herb do you take? Observations on herbal dosages.

    6/20/23 The amount of herbs you need to take can be a tricky thing and is very much dependent on the person taking them.  A lot of herbalists say 3 cups of herbal tea a day or 3 ml of tincture is a medicinal dose. After 7 years of clinical practice I politely disagree with this statement. I think of it more as a tonifying dose. When someone has had a severe health imbalance for years you need to overwhelm the imbalanced energy, starting with a greater quantity of herbs and then slowly reducing the amount as the person is coming into balance.  That being said, I do always recommend…

  • What is the best way to get to know an herb?

    6/12/23 The best way to get to know an herb is to grow it! You’ll develop a deep relationship with the plant seeing it in every stage. Being able to harvest your own herbs and then use them at home as medicine is a magical experience.  However, if you don’t have the space to grow every herb then immerse yourself in them! Take one herb a month and drink it in tea, have a tincture of it, try the flower and/or herbal essence, can you use it as a beauty treatment!? Have fun incorporating the herb into your life and understanding how this herb operates.  If you want to do…