Pause for Parsley

One of my first memories of Parsley is being in elementary school, reenacting the Passover meal (something we did every year). During the Passover meal we would dip the parsley in salt water – an incredibly symbolic, meaningful activity.
Parsley has a very long, extensive history of being used throughout many cultures. Though today we often just think of it as a garnish for our meal. But in reality it is a highly nutritive herb that contains: Vitamin A, C, iron, calcium, magnesium, chlorophyll, and flavonoids.
Historically it has been used to help with:
- Detoxing the body
- Histamine reactions (allergies)
- Menstrual cycle imbalances such as: cramps, breast tenderness, headaches, and bloating
- Swelling from injury and/or inflammation
- Bad Breath
- Maintaining eye health
- Maintaining liver health
- Leaf and root can help painful urination
- Helps men who can’t empty the bladder completely
- Used in herbal combos for remineralization
Energetics/Emotional Usages
The energy of parsley is truly amazing. It is incredibly helpful for people who are working to heal the different dualites in themselves to find a place of unity. Something, I would argue, our entire country needs constantly.
Therapeutic dosages (this does not include culinary) should be avoided during pregnancy or if the person’s kidneys are inflamed unless you are working with a qualified health practitioner.
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Works Cited
Baïracli-Levy, Juliette De, et al. Nature’s Children. Ash Tree Publishing, 1997.
Cantin, Candis, and Michael Tierra. The Spirit of Herbs. U.S. Games Systems, 1993.
Mars, Brigitte. The Sexual Herbal. Healing Arts Press, 2010.
McBride, Kami. The Herbal Kitchen. Conari, 2010.
Tierra, Michael. The Way of Herbs. Pocket Books, 1998.
*Disclaimer* None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. This article is meant solely for educational purposes. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications