• Castor Oil: Why and how you would use it.

    Here are some simple guidelines when it comes to castor oil packs. There are practitioners who go much deeper into castor oil and who have written plenty of books (if you want to dive deep into this) and who have lots of best practices and guidelines to follow. In my practice I have found that these rules can hold people back from actually using the castor oil pack. So these are some general guidelines I think about when it comes to using it.  External castor oil is a great way to help the body soften scar tissue (I have heard people refer to it as scar tissues’ enemy, because it’s…

  • What herbs help you fall to sleep and how to use them

    Sleep is a complicated issue. Many imbalances cause sleep issues, but anxiety and stress tend to be the most common reason.  Some herbs I recommend in my practice to help clients fall asleep/ have better quality sleep are: Passion flower, Chamomile, Valerian, Hops, Ashwagandha  One of the most common misconceptions I hear are people taking their herbs to help them sleep right before bed. Most of the time what happens before bed is not what keeps you up at night. It’s what happens during the day. So I recommend that you use the herbs during the day  when you’re most stressed out and/or anxious to train your body to be…

  • 2 Natural pain and anti-inflammatory remedies you can do at home 

    The two top things I recommend in my practice for my clients’ who are in pain as homework are: Want to learn more about simple things you can do at home to take care of yourself? Sign up here for my newsletter to get tips right in your inbox.  *Disclaimer* None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. This article is meant solely for educational purposes. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.