For The Love Of Cinnamon
Who doesn’t love cinnamon? The smell of cinnamon for many brings about a sense of coziness and sweetness – since cinnamon is often used in fall desserts. And, in Western culture, it’s all over malls and airports in the form of cinnamon buns. The other day I was chatting with someone who said she can’t go to a mall without getting a cinnamon bun, she considers it sacrilegious.
I’m not a fan of going to malls, but I do love to put a generous amount of it in yogurt, pudding, cottage cheese, and smoothies. Those are all energetically (and physically) cold items which can be hard on the digestive system and body as a whole. Adding in the cinnamon, which is warming, can help balance out the coldness. Plus, it tastes delicious!
Not only does this herb taste delicious, but it has been used as a potent medicine for thousands of years in the following ways:
- Improving digestion in such ways as helping with gas, diarrhea, indigestion
- Increasing metabolism, circulation, and warming to the body and extremities
- Thought to promote beautiful skin complexion with a rosy complexion.
- Inhibiting and preventing mucous
- Helpful for coughs and wheezing
- Moving stagnancies and blockages and bringing warmth to the pelvic region to improve inflammation, cramping, irregular menstrual cycles, erectile dysfunction, increasing vaginal wetness, and heightening sexual appetite and pleasure
- Externally in liniments and pastes to help localized inflammation
Emotionally it is known to help stoke the internal fire – aka will power, and to help stimulate your creative juices. A powerful combination – increasing creativity and will power – helpful for bringing your creative ideas to the physical world. Especially since cinnamon is also touted to increase one’s ability to focus and drive. For those who like to think in chakra terms: cinnamon is excellent for the solar plexus, the third chakra.
Precautions: Using medicinal doses should be avoided in pregnancy and if you are on anticoagulants – but your average cooking amount is just fine! Also, with the essential oil – it is very strong and should be diluted (think carrier oils) and used with care when on the body since it can be irritating to the skin.
The aromatherapy though can be wonderful in mixtures for uplifting the spirits and as a deterrent to cockroaches (go figure!).
Want to learn more about herbs? Sign up here for my newsletter to get ideas and tips of how to use herbs in your home delivered right to your inbox.
For tips on how to make a medicinal cup of tea check out the article I wrote here.
Disclaimer None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. This article is meant solely for educational purposes. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
Works Cited
Cantin, Candis, and Michael Tierra. The Spirit of Herbs. U.S. Games Systems, 1993.
Green, James. The Male Herbal. Crossing Press, 2007.
Grieve, Margaret. A Modern Herbal. Vol. 1, Dover Publications Inc, 1971.
Hoffmann, David. Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Healing Arts Press, 2017.
Keville, Kathi. Aromatherapy for Dummies. IDG, 2000.
Mars, Brigitte. The Sexual Herbal. Healing Arts Press, 2010.
Tierra, Michael. The Way of Herbs. Pocket Books, 1998.